Online Communities

WAHCA Pack Online Community

Join our vibrant community of dog owners who are dedicated to the training and well-being of their furry companions. At our community, we understand that training a dog can have its challenges, which is why we believe in coming together to support and inspire one another on this journey.

Our community is a hub for dog owners who are committed to providing their pets with engaging activities that not only stimulate their minds but also strengthen the bond between them and their dogs. From monthly challenges to online courses, we offer a wide range of activities that cater to dogs of all breeds and ages.

By joining our community, you become part of a group of like-minded individuals who are passionate about celebrating achievements, big and small. We encourage members to share their progress, success stories, and training tips, creating a positive and supportive atmosphere for everyone.

Whether you've just welcomed a new furry friend into your family or have been working with your dog for years, our community provides a space where you can connect with others who understand the challenges, joys, and ups and downs of training. Together, we celebrate the wins, learn from one another, and create well-behaved,  happy dogs.

Puppy Acceleration Course

This is a 6 Week Virtual Puppy Training Course designed to lay solid foundations for potty and crate training, marker systems, basic obedience and engagement, and so much more! There will be weekly 1-Hour live streams with Trainer Hanna for the group to discuss homework, questions, problem solving, bragging, and anything else!

In addition to access to the WAHCA Pack Community, participants will have access to an online learning platform where they can access training materials, watch instructional videos, and interact with other puppy owners. This virtual course allows for flexibility in scheduling and ensures that participants can learn at their own pace.

Throughout the 6 weeks, Trainer Hanna will provide personalized feedback and guidance to help each participant overcome challenges and make progress with their puppy training. The course is designed to be comprehensive, addressing key areas of puppy training, from basic obedience to socialization, ensuring that participants have all the tools they need to raise a well-behaved and happy puppy.

The 6 Week Virtual Puppy Training Course is ideal for new puppy owners who want to start their puppy off on the right foot, as well as for those who are looking to reinforce and fine-tune their current training methods. Join today and lay the foundation for a lifetime of good behavior and strong bond with your furry friend.